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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae. Sed dui lorem, adipiscing in adipiscing et, interdum nec metus. Mauris ultricies, justo eu convallis placerat, felis enim ornare nisi vitae.
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Reminder on the working documents provided within the eCTD submissions

As per the structure of the eCTD, the product information should be provided in pdf format within Module 1.1.3. However it is occasionally necessary to provide, in addition to the PDF requirement, product information or the Module 2 documents in Word format. These files should be provided outside of the eCTD structure, in a separate [...]

Por |2023-09-06T04:29:07+00:00septiembre 6th, 2023|Noticias|Sin comentarios

Vendor Readiness Survey

The ICH M8 EWG would like to assess the readiness of eCTD v4.0 Vendors and their development and/or readiness to deliver a production ready eCTD v4.0 solution. We request that the eCTD v4.0 Vendor Readiness Survey be completed by September 15, 2019.

Por |2023-09-05T04:26:57+00:00septiembre 5th, 2023|Noticias|Sin comentarios

An Active Substance Master File…

An Active Substance Master File (ASMF) can be used to replace the documentation for an active substance, required as part of an initial marketing authorisation application (MAA) or subsequent marketing authorisation variation (MAV). Appropriate guidance is given in the CHMP/CVMP guideline on active substance master file procedure. A specific ASMF can be used for multiple [...]

Por |2023-08-28T20:04:23+00:00agosto 28th, 2023|Noticias|Sin comentarios

Updated annexes to the eSubmission roadmap published

The following updated Annexes to the eSubmission Roadmap have been published to reflect further details on the practical implementation steps. Annex 3 to the HMA eSubmission Roadmap on the implementation of mandatory VNeeS format for Veterinary regulatory submissions, Annex 4 to the HMA eSubmission Roadmap on the replacement of the current PDF electronic application forms [...]

Por |2023-08-17T02:48:01+00:00agosto 17th, 2023|Noticias|Sin comentarios

updated Annexes to the Roadmap

The updated Annexes to the Roadmap are being published as they become available to reflect further details on the practical implementation steps. Annex 1 to the HMA eSubmission Roadmap on the implementation of eCTD version 4.0 and Annex 2 to the HMA eSubmission Roadmap on the implementation of mandatory use of eCTD format for Human [...]

Por |2023-08-16T02:36:26+00:00agosto 16th, 2023|Noticias|Sin comentarios
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