Best Practice Guides (BPGs) for the Submission and Processing of Variations in the Mutual Recognition ProcedureChapter 1: CMDh BPG for the Allocation of the Mutual Recognition Variation Number for Type I Notifications, Type II Variations, Grouping and Worksharing (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 2: Procedure for Automatic Validation of Mutual Recognition Procedures for Variations (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 3: CMDh BPG for the Processing of Type IA Minor Variations (Notifications) in the Mutual Recognition Procedure (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 4: CMDh BPG for the Processing of Type IB Minor Variations (Notifications) in the Mutual Recognition Procedure (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 5: CMDh BPG for the Handling of Type II Variations in the Mutual Recognition Procedure (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 6: CMDh BPG for the Processing of (Super-)Grouped Applications in the Mutual Recognition Procedure (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 7: CMDh BPG on Variation Worksharing (October 2024) [Track version]Chapter 8: CMDh BPG on CMDh Recommendations on Unforeseen Variations (October 2024) [Track version]