An updated release milestone plan and release schedule for the electronic Application Forms (eAF) are now available. Version of all the 4 electronic Application Forms (eAFs) is planned for release in September 2020 with a 2 month transitional period, and mandatory use from November 2020. The release v1.24.0.0 will provide a major change into the section 3 of the variation form by further integrating with RMS from SPOR (scopes and conditions and documentation). Please note that both MAA forms, human and veterinary, have been added into this release following a discovery of a defect in the forms. The User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to support the release of this next version of the forms started on Friday 17th of July 2020. Due to the delay in starting testing, we are now testing in parallel with both user groups (Industry and NCAs) and the UAT will run until Tuesday 4th of August 2020. If you have not yet registered, however, wish to participate in the UAT, please contact us by email to